
Saturday, 27 July 2013

Social Networks Galore

So basically all week I've been working (and still am). I would love to post more often and hopefully a little bit more interesting things! In the meantime (on my small breaks) I am always checking my social networks that I have joined. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Vine, Youtube... And the list goes on! I really can't believe how many social networks I am a part of, and still able to do other things at the same time! Let's just say I always have to be doing something.

The most ironic thing about all of these social networks is that I am most inspired by these people I "follow" and it makes me want to do more. With me seeing everyone travel and experience new things, I have hopes someday that I can find a time in my life where I can do the things I truly want to do. But then there are the things that I have to do - things such as my typical day-to-day chores. Everything ends up piling up like crazy and sometimes I just need to sit down a relax for a moment - cue the social network browsing!

At the moment I have many things on the go, and I have no choice but to create a list of things to do. Thank god for pen and paper and a cell phone to remind you about everything else! I truly think that sometimes we need to take a break from our busy lives and maybe try to find something that inspires us. So I guess this post is just a little Thank You to all of the social networks and the people a part of them to inspire me!

It is absolutely amazing to think that there are so many things in this world going on right now, and there are endless opportunities if we try. I'm actually glad that these social networks can bring this world a little bit closer together. I am so inspired and it just makes me want to do more and more in life.
Don't get me wrong, the outside world is where its at, but its nice to have some motivation and get some ideas on what we would like to do with our lives.

If you have any comments on my blog, feel free to reply!! I'd love some feedback, and maybe what I should post about next.. How do YOU feel about social networks? Hope to hear back soon!

And to think there is more than just this small view out there. Be inspired!

Much love,
Jessica Lynn

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


So as you can see in the title, this blog is going to be very vague.

It is so important to pay close attention to your life and to do what you love. It is amazing to be able to connect with others through social media. Simply all I can say is to be happy.

Through this blog, I will have this amazing opportunity to share my opinion and everything in between. I can't wait to see the opportunities that will be knocking at my door whether it be because of this blog or because I am involved in the community. But at least I'm attempting to make a difference right?

Anyways, this post is just a small introduction to say hi, and hope to see you in the future.

And is it weird that this fortune cookie saying from a Chinese restaurant convinced me to be excited for the future? Yes, I'm weird. Deal with it!

Much love,