
Wednesday 27 August 2014

The Cottage

One of my absolute favourite places to be during summer is at camp. When I was younger I lived there throughout the entire season. I had always found something do to no matter what kind of day it was. The lake is absolutely beautiful. It is one of the most peaceful places I've ever been too. Cars are rare on the road, the lake brushing up against the sandy beach is insanely calming, and the wildlife is pretty well interesting. Here are a few photos that I snapped while venturing amongst the beach. Unfortunately, I wasn't lucky enough to fish as it was a bit too windy (and at one point, too rainy) to go out on the lake on a small boat. I will make a point to create a bit more adventure on my next visit!

Sunset #1
Every night is beautiful like this, and I've never seen an ugly sunset!

While walking along the beach, my grandmother and I found patches of both blueberries and raspberries! That night, we decided to make fresh raspberry pie... And let's just say I had more than one piece... Ha!

Saskatoon berries are also quite popular while going on adventures.. They sit right along the beach, and can be found in many more places!

Sunset #2 - One of my favourites... I love the vibrant orange!

This is the view walking along the path towards the beach! Love!

The rest of the photos are particularly of my view on the beach. It's always really quiet as there are few people that are out and about on the property! As you can now see why it is one of the most peaceful places I've been! 

Hope you enjoyed these photos. I love that I can share my favourite things with you. I miss visiting here all summer, but that's what happens when we grow up!

Much love,

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